Here are my latest pages:

Day 45/365
Today was Valentines day and my husband and I and his sister and her husband went to the Spaghetti factory for dinner and bought some fun board games to play later. While at Trolley Square (there's such amazing architecture there) I took some fun pictures...this was one of my favs.

Day 44/365
Today we were getting ready for the day when Drew cam running into our room telling us to come see what Cam had done. I went into his room and this is what I found. Instead of yelling or getting mad, I ran downstairs to get my Camera to record the moment. Afterwards, I made him (I helped) put the Q-tips and the wipes away. Instead of taking it as punishment, he sat there and sang "clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere....clean up clean up." At least he's happy...

Day 43/365
Tonight, my two brothers-in-law and myself played games until the wee hours of the night and this is what helped me power through...

Day 42/365
My husbands sister (with new baby) and her husband, and their brother came to visit this past week. TJ's brother Brad had never met Emalee (my new niece) and so we were all able to spend some time together. My cute MIL really wanted a photo of her and her three grandkids so, of course I obliged! I love how everybody is looking in different directions (we had more than one person trying to make the boys smile)...and how BOTH boys are SMILING!!!!

Day 41/365
Today I went to Target to get some organizational cabinets for the boys playroom. It's something I've had my eye on for about 4 1/2 years! I am so pleased with the way it turned only took me 2 1/2 hours (that's including "help" from the boys and re-organizing all of the toys), and it was worth every minute. Now, the room looks very clean, organized-no more clutter yay!!!, open and much bigger.

Day 40/365
Today My little Cam had a cough and a fever...there is NO medicine to cover both of those!!!! It was a pretty miserable day. He was a little trooper though. Oddly enough, it didn't really slow him down. He was still up to his normal mischief and mess making. But, he was a lot more willing to cuddle with mom :)

Your digi scrapping is very nice!