Day 39/365
Today I borrowed my dads 105mm macro lense to take some photos of the roses TJ got me for Valentines day. Side note-I know that it's not Valentines day yet, but you see I have a very frugal and practical husband who decided to get these beautiful roses for me a week early. He figures he probably saved around $40 dollars. Good job honey, now you can get me that new camera bag that I need!!! :) I love my sweetie! I think it's sweet that he got me these roses. Thanks my love!
Ok, so I took this photo with my dad's AWESOME lens and I just LOVE how it turned out. How cool is this!!!

Day 38/365
I spent almost the entire day at my parents house today (with the kids of course-TJ was skiing). My dad and I had some nice chats about photography, I was able to spend time with my mom and my sister. It was a good day. When we were leaving, I realized I hadn't taken my photo for the day and I looked outside and saw the top of what was probably a gorgeous sunset. I noticed that the sky behind my parents big tree was all shades of blue, pink and purple. It was so beautiful. I loved the random pattern of all the branches against the sky and so I took a few shots. When I went to edit the photo, I decided to to this high key, dramatic moody black and white. I really like how it turned out!
Friday was an awesome day. My AMAZING mother-in-law decided to take my kids for the day so I could do anything I wanted. I scrap-booked ALL. DAY. LONG. It was much needed. I am really behind and it felt good to tackle this huge project! Thanks Karen!!
That night, TJ and I surprised the kids and took them to Chucky-Cheese (or Cheppy Cheese as Drew calls it). They had a ball, it was a really fun night!
On Thursdays I deep clean my bathrooms. Right before I started cleaning though, Cam had the most disgusting, explosive diaper EVER. I had to give him a bath, so I decided to put them (Drew got in too) in mine and TJ's big tub while I cleaned. It was AWESOME!! I didn't have to worry about them, Cam didn't try to play with the caustic cleaning was pure cleaning bliss. Afterwards, I turned on the TV for them and I did some more cleaning...I came back to find them sharing Drew's banana chair...ahhhhhh, how sweet!
I am so lucky to have such a helpful husband. There is nothing he won't help out with in the house (except scrubbing bathtubs...:), and although I am so grateful for him, we don't exactly share the same organizational, um...desires. So, Drew, knowing how crazy I get when things aren't in their place put out his and Cam's toothbrushes and their toothpaste on the right side of the counter (they each have their own drawer) so that Daddy would know which drawer to put in. I love how Drew is always trying to help :)
My cleaning jobs for Tuesdays are sweeping and mopping the floors (all my downstairs floors, bathroom, entry way and the kitchen and pantry), and laundry. It's the busiest cleaning day of the week, but by doing this I don't any jobs on Fridays or Saturdays!
I love, love, LOVE that rose picture! Dang, that lens is cool! And you're right about the moody black and white picture of the tree. LOVE it!