2.21.09-Day 52
Cam has been playing with this particular toy all week. He loves that he knows all of the animals (the sorsey-horsey, the cow, the pig and the ship-sheep) and their sounds, and that when you push on their heads, they make their sounds. He loves the farmer most of all though. His name is Bob. Nobody has told him this, it just is. He plays with it ALL day and hates to leave it for meals, naps or bedtime. I love that he looks for this same toy everyday, he's always just played with what was around, never looking for a specific toy. I just love this little boy.

Cam is getting better and better with utensils, but even more than getting to eat my own cereal before it gets soggy or the smaller messes that are left where he sits, I love how he holds his utensils. He holds on so tight that his knuckles turn white and I just love how all of his short chubby fingers curl all over each other.
I love the picture of cam with the spoon! Great photo