I am FINALLY caught up with all of my photo-a-day layouts. It was kind of a pain at first and I thought this was a LOT of work in addition to the photos everyday, but it's made me a faster scrapper and better at journaling already, plus I appreciate templates even more now!!!
Week 4 Layout:

Week 3 Layout:

Week 2 Layout:

Day 33 (Feb. 2nd)
Now, that I'm in a new month and have to start adding...I might screw this whole thing up!!!
Well, here is a picture of my Vacuum. I used to HATE to clean, now not so much...but I love having a clean house. Instead of doing all of my cleaning on one day, I do one (or sometimes two) job(s) a day. Monday's is vacuuming. I actually look forward to it (I love the lines in my carpet). Don't judge me, remember, I have OCD. :)

Day 32 (Feb. 1st)
Right before we had to go to church, I ran the kids outside and shot a photo on our porch. They actually stood still for more that a millisecond. I got some pretty cute pics of them!
Day 31
I went to a Beginners Photography Workshop today and really enjoyed it! I ended up coming out of the class with a few more questions than what I went in with, hahah (well only about photoshop), but it was fun to be with other photography lovers. The two girls who taught it were awesome too!
Day 30
I LOVE the Vacuum comments! I am the same way with the lines in the carpet!!! Your house is always sooooo cute. Luv Luv!!!
Cute idea with the puzzle-a-thon! And I LOVE the pictures on your porch before church! I keep thinking I need to do that but it just seems we are never ready for church on time haha.