Monday, February 2, 2009

Layouts and photos...

I am FINALLY caught up with all of my photo-a-day layouts.  It was kind of a pain at first and I thought this was a LOT of work in addition to the photos everyday, but it's made me a faster scrapper and better at journaling already, plus I appreciate templates even more now!!!
Week 4 Layout:

Week 3 Layout:

Week 2 Layout:

Day 33 (Feb. 2nd)
Now, that I'm in a new month and have to start adding...I might screw this whole thing up!!!
Well, here is a picture of my Vacuum.  I used to HATE to clean, now not so much...but I love having a clean house.  Instead of doing all of my cleaning on one day, I do one (or sometimes two) job(s) a day.  Monday's is vacuuming.  I actually look forward to it (I love the lines in my carpet).  Don't judge me, remember, I have OCD. :)

Day 32 (Feb. 1st)
Right before we had to go to church, I ran the kids outside and shot a photo on our porch.  They actually stood still for more that a millisecond.  I got some pretty cute pics of them!

Day 31
I went to a Beginners Photography Workshop today and really enjoyed it!  I ended up coming out of the class with a few more questions than what I went in with, hahah (well only about photoshop), but it was fun to be with other photography lovers.  The two girls who taught it were awesome too!  
Day 30
Drew has loved puzzles from a pretty young age, and now Cameron loves them too.  So, we did a puzzle-a-thon and had races and decided to display our work and take pictures.  Unfortunately, it turned ugly shortly thereafter and it ended up that there was some SERIOUS drama after that!  


  1. I LOVE the Vacuum comments! I am the same way with the lines in the carpet!!! Your house is always sooooo cute. Luv Luv!!!

  2. Cute idea with the puzzle-a-thon! And I LOVE the pictures on your porch before church! I keep thinking I need to do that but it just seems we are never ready for church on time haha.
