Ok, I need to be better about posting on time, this took me the better part of THREE hours to get these posted tonight, granted I was putting kids to bed, doing laundry yadayadayada....
3.15.09 -Day 74
Tonight it was TJ's parents turn to have us over for dinner. It was a really great dinner with BBQ pork-cabobs, a really yummy southwestern pasta salad and asparagus...I LOOOOVE asparagus! Sadly, my poor Drew came down with a fever and we didn't end up staying very long. I managed to get these totally cute photos before we left though...hee hee!
P.S. now check out Drews eyelashes!! People used to ask me, when he was just a wee babe, if I curled them. RIGHT...., yeah, I used one of those baby sized eyelash curlers. Seriously people, seriously!!

3.14.09 -Day 73
Tonight TJ and I and our BFF's the Dee's went to see the opera, the Marriage of Figaro. I really like the artsy fartsy (as my dad would say) things in life. I loved dressing up, I loved getting out and going to dinner. The Capitol Theatre is so beautiful. The seats were way up at the top, but that's ok. The singing was amazing. My only complaint would be that it lasted THREE AND A HALF HOURS!!!! I can usually handle the lengthy onslaught of classical repetoire, but for the LOVE!! If it wasn't for TJ falling asleep in the 4TH ACT (and after the THIRD intermission) and making me laugh AND for being there with the totally fun Dee's I might of jumped off of the balcony.

3.13.09 -Day 72
I really love my house. I DO! But there is just ONE thing that has to change...This toilet always running and it's noisy, it wastes water, it is disgusting (our home is a former model home-6 years-so it's seen a lot of, well...ahem, well ya know...). So tonight, my family and I held a concert at my hometown's city hall for the community. We were gone for a few hours and when we came home this piece of CRAP (sorry, no pun intended...) had overflowed and the water went through the wall into our closet and into our pantry!! Now the floor boards are coming away from the wall! ARRRRGGGHHH!!!

3.12.09-Day 71
Today I went to Pictureline to get a flash diffuser for the wedding later this evening. I had fun taking shots of the boys to "practice" using it. Drew was in one of his off-the-wall crazy moods, as shown in the photo below ;)
P.S. check out Cams lashes...one day I'll break down and put some mascara on those babies (just once though, and I'll take a picture-but only to embarrass him with when he brings his first girlfriend home).

3.11.09- Day 70
Tonight I took this photo of Cam in "prayer position," there really is no name for it, I just made that up. But, TJ and I have been helping to say prayers lately and I just love how sweet and innocent he is when he prays. His voice goes up really high and when he's done, he just has this big grin on his face. After Cam went to bed, I let Drew play games on my computer (he really just watched little movies on the Thomas the Train website). He was really excited because I rarely let him play.

3.10.09-Day 69
Today, I made a train track for Cam to play with while Drew was at Pre-school. He had a blast, playing by himself...he usually has a hard time playing with anything, because brother controls all of the toys. Poor Cam, ;)

3.09.09-Day 68
This our game cubboard...it's almost full! We've always loved to play games and TJ & I used to play a lot when we lived in Vegas. It's been just been lately that we've been playing again, and I love having the time to be with my husband with no TV or any noise!!

3.08.09-Day 67
I love this painting-we go it at a model home furniture sale when we lived in Las Vegas. The painting is of Vernazza, a GORGEOUS city on the north-western coast in Italy, a part of The Cinque Terre, where TJ and I visited while visiting about 5 years ago.

3.07.09-Day 66
Here is the board for our new favorite game Caracassone. The game is played one piece at a time, so the board is different everytime!

3.06.09-Day 65
TJ and I like to have our house clean before we go to bed everynight, I love when my house is clean! It makes it a lot easier to get up and get going the next day!

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