Day 84 -3.25.09
Tonight I decided to give the kids ice-cream eat by themselves. I was doing some dishes and just figured when it came time to wipe off the counter, I'd wipe up their mess up too. It turned into a little more than a mess. There was melted chocolate ice-cream dripping onto the floor, and their hands....oh, their little hands and faces! They were sooo bad...thank heavens it was bathtime! I love the first photo (it was supposed to be the last, to follow the story...). It's Cam's cute little pruny, wrinkly feet :)

Day 83 -3.24.09
Drew and Cam during half time. It's my favorite photo of the bunch! I love how sweet & innocent Drew looks-it looks like he's two years old again.

I LOVE this picture of Cam!! It was taken as we were walking back to the car-he was in sucha silly mood.

During Drew's soccer game, Cam wandered around all over the place. He saw this guy (pictured) and went and sat by him (we have no idea who he was). He sat there for a while, and played with the guy's dog. It was funny to see him have no fear like that, but it kinda freaked us out too. His willingness to talk to just anybody is a little scary. Unfortunately he's a little to young to understand "stranger danger." We'll just have to keep a really good eye on him until then...

Drew's first soccer game was today. He was so, SO excited. I don't think he'd ever even seen a soccer game before, I just told him he got to run as fast as he could all the time-and he loves to run!! He spent most of the game dancing around, wiggling his hips, jumping in circles, and running on the periphery of the group of kids surrounding the ball. There were a few times he'd get in the middle of it all, but most of the time he was just running in the same group as the other kids. I didn't feel too bad though. There were quite a few kids who would just start crying and run off the field, never to return again! His coach is awesome and despite the cold we had a great time. My mom and dad came, and my dad brought his Camera and took some great photos, (of course) while laying on his stomach at the goal funny! You can see his pictures of the game here.

Day 82 -3.23.09
I've been drinking Propel lately-they have some yummy new flavors. I've been trying to stay away from carbonation (especially Coke)-I hate the way it makes me feel, but LOVE how it tastes!! So far I've gone almost 1 month!

day 81 -3.22.09
Drew is ALWAYS asking me if he could take a picture of me. I always tell him no, so today I let him. He was really cute about it and he actually got a good one. Usually (the 5 times I've let him take pictures of me) they are blurry. Good job bud!

Day 80 -3.21.09
We went up to help my sister-in-law Janelle and her hubby Kirk paint there new place. We had a lot of fun getting together. We painted about 6 rooms, scrubbed floors, my father-in-law Craig tiled the kitchen and the laundry room, and between all the work, we played! I love this photo of Jill and Kerry, they crack me up!!

Day 79- 3.20.09
Today Drew came running up to me with his jeans on backwards...not sure where he learned this one...

Day 78 -3.19.09
Tonight TJ's friends Mat, Ben and Michael came over to practice for an upcoming meeting. Drew loves it when people come over-he always thinks that they're coming to play with just sat and watched them sing. Then of course he had to show them all of his tricks and stuff :)

Day 77- 3.18.09
The story behind this is on my family blog, so go there to see it...

Your getting behind! I look everyday. We need to talk more. I love the pic's especially the top of cam's feet. I have placed the one of cam looking into the camera with puckered lips on my computer desktop background. I sure get a lot of AHHHH's from all the gals in the office. And of course where the genes originated for the little cuites!
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