Day 134- 5.14.09
Today after my bike ride, I got this photo for this weeks photo assignment (lines). I love the patterns in the wood, as well as the pattern the logs are making.

Day 133- 5.13.09
My parents just put up their trampoline for the year, and the kids just HAD to try it out!!

Day 132- 5.12.09
I snapped this photo of Cam at Drews soccer game, it totally takes my breath away...

Day 131- 5.11.09
My favorite treat!! I love Red Mango, it's yummy, healthy and fits in my eating perameters :)

Day 130- 5.10.09
Today we spent mothers day at TJ's parents house. It was a nice relaxing night with good food and good company. After dinner, I took my camera out to find some things to take pictures of. I took this completely adorable photo of Cameron,
This photo of some of Karen's gorgeous landscaping. I really love the lighting on the rock.

I love this photo of teej with his mom. It's crazy how much they look alike!!!
Day 129- 5.09.09
These two were for the other part of my online photo class. The first is a wide open aperture, the second a smaller aperture. They both show action, one freezes the action, the other implies it with the blur.


Day 128 5.08.09
The last photo I took for the bokeh assignment...I call it Cello bokeh.

Day 127 5.07.09
TJ bought 48 Strawberry plants to add to our square foot gardens. Bring it on baby, I llloooooooovvveeee strawberries!!!

Day 126- 5.o6.09
I am taking a photography course online and took this photo to fill a portion of the first assignment. The assignment was to take a photo at every F stop on my camera, and notice what happens from the most wide open (f/3.5) to closed down (f/22). This one is at f/3.5

Day 125- 5.05.09
My second shot for the bokeh assignment. I LOVE Bokeh, I love how his eye is in focus and everything else just falls away into an oblivion....bokeh....sigh...

Day 124- 5.04.09
Today I took a photo for my photo assignment bokeh. Great photo of Cam!

Where to start Linds?? I LOVED so many of your photos! First of all, your boys are so handsome! They are always great photography subjects! And I love the cello picture and your top picture with the lines! Great work. So, I might be completely clueless, but what is Bokeh? And where is the closest red mango?? I've heard a lot about it and am dying to try some but didn't think there was one close by??