Day 148- 5.28.09
Today was Drew's last soccer game, it was sad to see it come to an end, he loved it and I loved watching him play! Here's to next season!

Day 147- 5.27.09
I follow a photo blog and the photographer blogged about natural face expressions and so I tried it out on my kids, it worked pretty well with Cam, I think!

Day 146- 5.26.09
Out of nowhere, came a thunder and lighting storm with some wicked rain and hail.

Day 145- 5.25.09
Our last night in Bear Lake, we saw this cute little bunny, had to grab a shot...the boys were freaking out!!

Day 144- 5.24.09
My dad took me out shooting today and taught me alot, so I thought I'd get a shot of him doing what he does best.

Day 143- 5.23.09
A photo of the date on my phone on my birthday :)

Day 142- 5.22.09
Our first night at Bear Lake, also the eve of my Birthday...a beautiful sunset too!

Day 141- 5.21.09
I got my birthday present a couple days early...!!!

Day 140- 5.20.09
TJ spent the day tearing out trees and removing curbing and underneath one of the pieces was a HUGE anthill, Cam was fascinated with all of the potato bugs (ants). Also, I love how little kids can sit this way, it cracks me up!!

Day 139- 5.19.09
Cam (and Drew) both love Lofthouse sugar cookies, but when they eat them, they make a HUGE mess!!

Day 138- 5.18.09
Drew had his concert tonight for MKOM- the singing class that my MIL teaches. It's always fun to watch the pre-schoolers, and between the parents throwing elbows and the HEAT, it's a really fun concert. This was my favorite photo of the night!

Day 137- 5.17.09
My niece Emalee was blessed today and I wanted to take some photos of her, cause she's SUCH a gorgeous baby!!

Day 136- 5.16.09
My sister wanted to wash her hair, but couldn't because she couldn't put any weight on her feet OR get them wet. My parents next door neighbor offered to wash her hair, but Mandy couldn't get over there, so my dad just threw her over his shoulder and took her over. She didn't love that I was taking pictures of her...hopefully she'll forgive me ;)

Day 135- 5.15.09
My sister got foot surgery to remove bunions (at 26!), and when she went in for the surgery, the doctor told her that she had the prettiest toes he'd ever seen on a patient. She was pretty happy about that!!