Day 11
Tonight, we celebrated my little Cam's 2nd birthday...technically his birthday isn't until tomorrow, but we had all of our families over to celebrate. I decided to flex my culinary and crafty muscles and make him a train cake 'cause Cam loves "toots." It was a lot of work to make, but so cute!

Day 12
My poor little Cam was so sick today...he had a fever of 103 all night and on and off all day. He was miserable-it was heartbreaking! One of the things that makes him happy is fruit snacks...or 'nacks, as he calls them, his blankies and his monkey, bear or big bird. So, I sat him in front of Wall-E with this blankie, bear and a 'nack...and he was happy. Which made me SO happy.

Ah, poor little guy! Love the picture of his favorites!! Hope he was feeling better at party time! I love the cake too! Way to go!