Wednesday, April 8, 2009

All Caught up....

Day 98-04.08.09
TJ has three of the four square-foot gardens built and has started planting.  Yesterday, he put in some flowers as well as garlic, green onions, two different kinds of lettuce and onions.  I'm excited to eat the products of this garden!!

Day 97 4.07.09
Cam's squishy-fishy face...I love how his nose scrunches unevenly....he's SOO stinkin' cute!!!

Day 96 -4.06.09
Today, I was helping Drew learn his latest book from Pre-school, and after we'd finished I came back to find Drew "teaching" Cam :)

Day 95 4.05.09
Tonight we spent the evening at my parents house.  We had a nice dinner, penne pasta- my dad's specialty, yum!  Then we spent the rest of the night playing games and just hanging out.  I love that my parents take the time to play with my kids.  As you can see here my dad was playing (Mariokart) with Drew.  They are wonderful grandparents!

Day 94 4.04.09
I was out snapping pictures of Cam and Drew while they were playing and got this one of Cam. It makes me so happy, and he's really getting better at responding to me when I try to take pictures of him :)

Day 93 4.03.09
Cam LOVES his chicken nuggets, even more than that he loves seen here in this photo.  Despite all of the mess on his face, is it not one of the cutest photo of him EVER?!!

Day 92 4.02.09
Whenever TJ or I leave the house, the boys have to watch us leave.  We also blow lots of kisses and give "hugs (we wraps our arms around ourselves and then twist back and forth)," which is what Cam is doing in this photo...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Guess what.....

More catch up!!!  Yay!
Week 12 pages:

Week 11 pages:

Week 10 pages:

Week 9 pages:

My pages for week 8:

Day 91 -4.01.09
Today TJ worked on the other three square foot gardens.  It's been a TON of work, and I'm so proud of him for doing so much.  He never complains, he loves that we'll have corn, peas, beans, tomatoes, broccoli, onions, potatoes and so much more this season.  Thanks for all of your hard work babe!!

Day 90 -3.31.09
I love the cute little crafts Drew brings home from Pre-school!

Day 89 -3.30.09
I love Drew's funny faces!!

Day 88 -3.29.09
Just when you think spring is coming...

Day 87 -3.28.09
An agent gave TJ these flowers as a gift and so of course I had to photograph them.  I'm really horrible at macro photography right's something I'd like to get better at!!

Day 86 -3.27.09
Tonight TJ and I went to the Melting Pot for Dinner, then to a nice Hotel to celebrate our 6th anniversary.  It was a lot of fun and relaxing.  We took our fav. board games with us and really enjoyed each other's company.  I'm so happy to be where I am right now.  I love you teej :)

Day 85 -3.26.09
Right Before Breakfast today, Drew spilled a HUGE box of Cheerios everywhere.  I had him go and get the garbage can and start throwing them away.  For the ones he couldn't reach (behind the lazy susan in our cupboard), I had him use the vacuum hose.  I loved it so much he asked if there was anything else I needed to be was music to my ears....